Public relations

From the very beginning public relations was considered as very important, as a means not only to communicate the projects to the scientific and professional public but also to enhance knowledge and acceptance among the local population. Whereas PR directed to the professional public focuses rather on highly specific aspects of the ecology of floodplain meadows and the restoration measures undertaken, the PR for the general public provides more overall information about why and in what way the project is put into execution, stressing particularly on the beauty of the meadows, their flowering aspects and their being part of the traditional cultural landscape. In order to achieve this, manifold means of communication are used:

  • Mass media (Press, specialised press, Radio, TV)
  • Internet (the site you are on and
  • Excursions / Guided tours
  • Lectures / Conferences / Congresses
  • Cooperation with educational establishments (e.g. adult education centre)

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