
Testing and development project: "Restoration and agricultural use of river floodplain meadows along the Hessian Upper Rhine" (funded by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation 2000 - 2005)

"Working concept for the floristic and faunistic species enrichment in species-poor flodplain meadows" (funded by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment 2007-2008)

Projekt Executing Organisation:

City of Riedstadt

Scientific Research:

Jusus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Division of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning


October 2000 - July 2005

76 % funding by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
13 % City of Riedstadt
11 % Federal State of Hesse

 July 2005 - End of 2006 and since 2009

100 % City of Riedstadt

2007 - 2008

50 % funding by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment
50 % City of Riedstadt

The Frankfurt Airport Company (Fraport AG) has supported the project from July 2005 until the End of 2006 and again in 2009 and 2014 with a donation of 130.000 Euro in total. Without these means it would not have been possible for the City of Riedstadt to perpetuate the project continually.

Furthermore the project was supported monitarily and materially by the HIM Company, by the Claas Company and by Seippel Agicultural Machinery Company

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