Diaspore transfer with plant material is a very effective and relatively cheap method for the restoration of rare grassland-communities.
Since the Beginning in the year 2000 we could establish more than 110 species, thereof 34 species of the Red Lists. Furthermore all of the project sites are requested strongly by local farmers for the production of hay so that the maintenance of the meadows through agricultural use seems to be secured.
In order to achieve the expected success it requires:
- Donor-sites of high quality (species- and individual-rich) and similar ecological conditions nearby (in order to keep costs and efforts low),
- effective organisation and good timing (ripe-seeds of target species, weather),
- extensive mutual information of all people and institutions concerned (farmers, administration (agricultural, nature-conservation, forestal...) , (to enhance acceptance),
- integration in the local agricultural management system (to enhance acceptance and to keep the need for subsidies low).